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Concurso / tender en el aeropuerto de Niza para tienda de moda y accesorios

El aeropuerto de Niza ha convocado con fecha 1 de julio un concurso para una tienda de moda y accesorios de 48 metros cuadrados en la Terminal 2.
Cómo es habitual en éste aeropuerto, la llamada al concurso es pública pero requiere una precalificación para optar  al mismo. Se fija de fecha final de recepción de documentación para esa precalificación el día 2 de septiembre y antes habrá que aportar una documentación muy extensa de las empresas que quieran presentar oferta.
El resumen  es el siguiente (en inglés):

Companies submitting application must furnish the following along with their request, as otherwise the application will not be admissible:

 Company bylaws

 An excerpt of the entry in the Business and Companies Register dating back less than three months

 The last 3 balance sheets

 The last 3 income statements

 The certificates stipulated in Article 8 of Decree 97-638 of 31 March 1997, stating that the bidder is up to date with its tax and welfare obligations

 A sworn statement that the bidder has not, within the last five years, been affected by a conviction recorded in bulletin nº 2 of the legal crime register for the offences stipulated in Articles L. 8221-1, L. 8221-2, L. 8221-3 to L. 8221-5, L. 8251-1 and L. 8256-2 and following, L. 8231-1, L. 8234-1 and following, L. 8241-1, L. 8241-2, L. 8243-1 and L. 8243-2 of the Employment Code

 A sworn statement that the bidder is not undergoing court liquidation and, if the bidder is in receivership, the copy of the ruling(s) handed down to this end

 The CVs of corporate officers

 A breakdown of share capital identifying shareholders exercising genuine control of the company

 The last company report

 A presentation establishing the company’s experience in the activity for which it is tendering