Entebbe airport expansion works going according to plan – Aviation Authority

The first phase of expansion works at Entebbe International Airport is on The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) board chairman, Mr Edward Mike Ndawula, said the works have reached 45 percent completion.

“We have quite a number of projects on the expansion of the airport and we are on schedule, the first phase of the expansion will be complete in May 2021,” he said.

Mr Ndawula made the remarks after taking the journalists on a tour of the ongoing works at the departure, and arrival terminals, fuel farm, runways, cargo area and taxiways.

“As the first phase gets complete the 12-30 runway at the old airport will not have lights in the first phase because aeroplanes that are only in class c (160 passenger carriers) will be landing here during daytime. The electricity poles will be erected in the second phase of the expansion,” he said.

Mr Ndawula said there is an institutionalized progress committee meeting that looks at the projects that are ongoing every month to ensure works are completed on time.

The supervising consultant of the expansion works, Mr Mark Donald of Dar Al – Handasah Shair & Partners, said the 12:30 runway at the old Entebbe airport will be available for daytime operations for small planes as works on the main runway at the new airport commence.

“We think our windows on the main runway will be between 6 o’clock in the morning and 12 noon every day and during that period the aeroplanes coming could land on this runway as long as it’s a small aircraft,” he said.

He said they will have to limit work on the main runway at one o’clock to allow bigger aircrafts come in and land on the runway.

The upgrade and expansion works for Entebbe International Airport are set to be carried out in three phases through to 2034.

The first phase’s groundbreaking ceremony was held in August 2015, while the construction of the new cargo building began in May 2016.

CAA received approval from the Parliament of Uganda to secure $200m of loan from the Export-Import Bank of China for phase one of the project in July 2015.

The second phase of works will be carried out from 2019 to 2023 at an estimated cost of $120m, while the final phase will begin in 2024 and conclude in 2034 via an investment of roughly $160m.

Source: PML Daily

El nuevo Aeroparque: terminales grandes y con más comercios

La empresa Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 está renovando 6 de las principales terminales aéreas del país.

Desde hace 20 años, el arquitecto Marcelo Minolti y su equipo llevan a cabo las modernizaciones de los aeropuertos operados por AA2000.

En Aeroparque, por ejemplo, el proyecto de remodelación integral es muy amplio.

El masterplan comprende la readecuación de los edificios V y Vl, la ampliación de la terminal aérea (edificios Vll y VlIl, destinados a vuelos internacionales), las áreas de preembarque de cabotaje y el patio de arribos nacionales. También incluye nuevas oficinas y espacios comerciales y la ampliación de la terminal aérea en el sector sur para vuelos domésticos.

Obras en Aeroparque. El masterplan incluye un fuerte tratamiento exterior con áreas parquizadas.

Obras en Aeroparque. El masterplan incluye un fuerte tratamiento exterior con áreas parquizadas.

Para la ampliación de los edificios VII y Vlll, se prevé la construcción de 5 nuevos núcleos, con la incorporación de sus respectivas mangas. En la planta baja se ubicarán los accesos, el hall público y las circulaciones, vinculadas al check in y la terminal existente.

En la planta alta habrá un núcleo de escaleras mecánicas y un ascensor para pasajeros internacionales desde el que se accederá al área de migraciones y a un duty free. Luego se ubicará el hall de preembarque internacional con área gastronómica. El preembarque presentará 10 puertas que conectarán 5 puentes a los núcleos de plataforma.

También se desarrollarán nuevos espacios comerciales y de oficinas, dividiendo el volumen del edificio en dos sectores: en la franja norte se creará un espacio de uso comercial al que se accederá desde planta baja, con 2 amplias terrazas con vistas al Río de la Plata; y en el área sur se dispondrán oficinas a las que se accederá desde un núcleo de ascensores ubicado en planta baja.

Cambios en el aeropuerto. El proyecto desarrolla mayores circulaciones para favorecer los vínculos entre las distintas áreas.

Cambios en el aeropuerto. El proyecto desarrolla mayores circulaciones para favorecer los vínculos entre las distintas áreas.

La estructura principal del edificio será de hormigón armado de losas postesadas, con capiteles y sin vigas, cuya materialidad estará signada por los lineamientos de la terminal actual. Tanto la fachada del lado tierra como la del lado aire estará compuesta por un marco perimetral de aluminio compuesto. En cuanto a sus interiores, también seguirán los lineamientos originales: pisos graníticos, alfombras, tabiques en mampostería y roca de yeso.

Por su parte, la remodelación de los edificios V y VI, también se reconfigurarán sus 2 niveles: se ampliará el sector de check in, ensanchando el hall y desplazando la carpintería hacia la Costanera. En el segundo nivel sumará una nueva área de preembarque de cabotaje.

Ambos edificios conservarán su estructura de hormigón armado y sus cubiertas, aunque la fachada del lado aire readecuará su imagen siguiendo los lineamientos vidriados de los edificios IV y V. Sólo la cubierta será ejecutada a nuevo a partir de una malla metálica, al igual que los cielo rasos, que se reconstruirán totalmente.

Así quedará Aeroparque.

Así quedará Aeroparque.

Finalmente, la remodelación del edificio IV se llevará a cabo en sus 2 plantas sobre el lado tierra, respetando las características originales de la terminal. Se agrandará el hall, modificando los accesos y retirando las escaleras mecánicas, reorganizando todas las circulaciones y agilizando el flujo de pasajeros y acompañantes.

El masterplan incluye la construcción de la Nueva Terminal de Pasajeros Sur, que incluirá un puente metálico conector paralelo a la fachada del Edificio II.

Del lado tierra se propone un plan de mejoramiento vial de la Costanera Norte estableciendo una serie de franjas que van desde desde el Aeropuerto hasta el nuevo borde del río, articulando el mejoramiento vehicular y el aprovechamiento de los espacios verdes.

Así quedará Aeroparque.

Así quedará Aeroparque.

Como complemento, se generan 2 espacios urbanos de alto impacto: la nueva Avenida Costanera y el nuevo Parque Costero. En el primer caso se desarrollarán 7 nuevos carriles vehiculares separados por un cantero verde de 2 metros de ancho. En el caso del parque, al este de la nueva traza de la Avenida Costanera, el proyecto genera -mediante un relleno de tierra ganada al río- un gran espacio verde por diferente áreas que se articulan entre sí y veredas secas que lo cruzan transversalmente. Un estacionamiento subterráneo de dos niveles con capacidad para 1.153 cocheras completan los principales puntos del masterplan.

Fuente: Clarín. Buenos Aires

Suriname seeks US$205 million for airport expansion and modernisation

The government of Suriname led by President Desi Bouterse is seeking permission from Parliament to borrow US$205 million from the Exim Bank of China to expand and modernize the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport (JAP) because the constitution of Suriname sets a limit on how much government can borrow.

To increase passenger and flight movements, the current airport infrastructure is inadequate. Against this background, Bouterse is seeking an amendment of the law that will grant his government permission to deviate from the obligatory national debt ceiling.

The airport must increase capacity and at the same time comply with international safety standards as laid out by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The plan includes a new terminal that connects both the arrival and departure facilities, and doubling the current airport size. The terminal will have four passenger bridges, and efficient and modern transfer facilities, since the government wants to make Paramaribo a hub in the region.

The construction of a parallel taxiway that is full length of the runway will free the runway for incoming and departing flights. This will reduce delays because the main runway will no longer be used as a taxiway to and from the terminal. This will result in increased safety for the aircrafts and increase operational efficiency, the government said.

Four air-bridges will connect passengers to the main terminal and shelter them from rain and other elements.

China Harbour Engineering Corporation (CHEC) has been in talks with the government of Suriname to finance the upgrading of JAP, and negotiations are now at an advanced stage, Chotkhan told the media earlier this year.

Meanwhile, in neighbouring Guyana, CHEC has been awarded a contract of US$150 million to “expand and modernize” the Cheddi Jagan Airport (CJIA), but instead of the country getting a new terminal, the country is getting a rehabilitated terminal that is smaller than the original plan.

ACV to pour VNĐ4 trillion into upgrading Cát Bi International Airport

The Airports Corporation of Việt Nam (ACV) is focusing on accelerating investment in key projects at Cát Bi International Airport (Hải Phòng) with a total investment capital of about VNĐ4 trillion (US$170.1 million).

These projects include passenger terminal T2, a parking lot in front of the new terminal and a cargo terminal, as well as a number of projects to renovate and expand existing aircraft parking areas.

For the T2 construction project, ACV has completed the selection of consultancy contractors for the feasibility study (FS). The winning contractors are preparing architectural plans for the passenger terminal, the FS and basic designs.

The terminal will have a capacity of five million passengers per year and be able to expand to 10 million passengers per year. The auxiliary works for the terminal include the synchronous infrastructure system and traffic system to connect with terminal T1. Total investment is around VNĐ1.6 trillion (excluding land clearance costs) and construction is scheduled to complete by the fourth quarter of 2020.

ACV is completing the procedures for the approval of expansion projects as regulated. The project of building a cargo terminal and parking lot in front of T2 is in the process of selecting consultant contractors to carry out a feasibility study.

According to a representative of ACV, the number of passengers, journeys and cargo through Cát Bi International Airport has exceeded the capacity of its design. Besides, traffic connections between Hải Phòng and neighbouring localities will increase demands in travelling by air in the coming time. Therefore, upgrades and expansions of the airport’s infrastructure are urgently needed.

The project to build a parking area in front of the cargo terminal has a total investment of about VNĐ850 billion. The commodity station has a capacity of 100,000 tonnes of cargo per year and it is planned to expand to 250,000 tonnes of cargo per year. The auxiliary works for the terminal and the infrastructure system have a total investment of about VNĐ390 billion.

Hải Phòng confirmed the city will focus on leadership, direction and co-ordinating with ACV to ensure progress.

At the same time, the port city asked ACV to propose more areas that can be cleared to meet the development needs of Cát Bi International Airport in the future. The city also requested ACV focus resources, select good investors and strive to complete the project in 2020

Source: Vietnam News