El Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria amplia su oferta con cuatro nuevos locales de restauración

El Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria continúa con la ampliación de su oferta comercial con la apertura de cuatro nuevos locales de restauración, dos bajo la marca de Café Pans, gestionados por Pansfood, y un Grab & Go, gestionado por Autogrill Iberia, y el Starbucks de Select Service Partner (SSP).

En los Café Pans, situados en las zonas de embarque de vuelos regionales y en llegadas, y con una superficie de 242 m2 y 150 m2, respectivamente.

El Grab & Go, que operará bajo la marca Leon y que cuenta con una superficie de más de 500 m2 y un aforo para más de 200 personas, es el primer restaurante de comida rápida que la empresa Autogrill Iberia abre en España bajo régimen de franquicia. Este nuevo local, ubicado en la zona de embarque del Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria tendrá un horario de 24 horas.

Por otro lado, Select Service Partner (SSP) abrirá esta semana de nuevo las puertas del Starbucks, con una nueva ubicación en la zona de embarque y una imagen totalmente renovada en sus 240 m2 de superficie.

El Aeropuerto de Gran Canaria cuenta, actualmente, con 40 establecimientos de los que 14 son de restauración y 26 son tiendas variadas, habilitados todos en diversos puntos del Edificio Terminal.

Dentro de la renovación de la restauración se encuentran fase de obra y con próximas aperturas 8 puntos de restauración adicionales, entre los que se encuentran marcas reconocidas como: Soho, Dehesa Santa María, Coffe Republic, Playa Padre (Terraza), Enrique Tomás, O ́Learys, The Garden y Café Di Fiore.

AENA: concurso de restauración en el aeropuerto de Alicante

Aena ha aprobado la licitación de la renovación de la oferta de restauración del Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche. Los nuevos espacios ocuparán una superficie de más de 5.500 m2 (un 18% más que en la actualidad), repartidos en 18 locales licitados en un total de 10 expedientes, que empezarán a dar servicio a partir del segundo trimestre de 2019.

El objetivo de esta licitación es dotar al Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche de una amplia y variada oferta de restauración, que ofrezca un alto nivel de calidad a los pasajeros y que refleje la gastronomía local, nacional e internacional. Aena pretende así proporcionar una verdadera experiencia gastronómica a los viajeros y usuarios del aeropuerto, combinando las últimas tendencias de restauración con aquellos conceptos más demandados por el pasajero del Aeropuerto.

Para ello, se licitan puntos de venta en los que ofrecer conceptos multi-cocina en ambientes ‘mercado de alimentación’, espacios gourmet, cafeterías internacionales, chocolaterías, heladerías, fish&chips, sushi, hamburgueserías, bocadillerías, cervecerías y comida italiana. Los establecimientos se sitúan en su mayoría en las zonas de embarque y facturación.

La licitación de estos concursos del Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche, tiene  plazo de presentación de ofertas el 10 de octubre de 2018.

India: current outlook for aviation growth

Unprecedented aviation growth in India has brought into focus the need to create infrastructure ahead of demand. The Airports Authority of India (AAI) operates 129 airports across the country and to deal with traffic explosion, it has lined up a large capex plan that includes new terminal buildings and second airports for many state Capitals and strengthening of airside capacity. Airlines may need to pay a premium for peak hour flights even as more AAI airports begin functioning round the clock to cut congestion at peak hours.

AAI chairman Guruprasad Mohapatra spoke to Sindhu Bhattacharya of CNBCTV18.COM

We are responding to this by increasing the pitch for greenfield airports and proposing second airports for state capitals, definitely for Kolkata and Chennai. Discussion are on with state governments for land for second airports. For Pune the state government just indicated a place called Purandhare. Looking for second airports in Bhubaneshwar, Ahmedabad, Rajkot and many other places too. For Delhi and Mumbai, second airports are already in the offing. Bangalore and Hyderabad will hold good for some years.

Has capacity at AAI airports already been breached?
A: No, the capacity hasn’t been breached. (Figures his office provided show this fiscal, capacity at all AAI airports together will be 165.25 million passengers versus projected demand of 158.12 million. But it will begin falling short from 2019-20. Capacity will increase to 167.35 million but demand will outstrip it at 181.83 million passengers). Apart from second airports in state capitals, we are also augmenting capacity at existing airports. We have been increasing slots from winter schedule to summer each year.

AAI has earmarked Rs 25,000 crore capex for next 5 years, of which Rs 8000-10,000 crore has already been spent. We have identified which airport terminal building will be expanded, which runways will be strengthened. Wherever land is available we will do a parallel taxi track, more aprons and parking bays will be built. A new airport has come up at Pakyong and flights should start after monsoons. Second airport is being developed for Rajkot at Hirsar. We are also expanding terminal building and runway capacity at Jabalpur and Kolhapur besides building new terminal buildings at Guwahati, Leh, Patna and Imphal.

Do PPP airports of Mumbai and Delhi still contribute a significant share to AAI’s earnings?
A: Our dependence has come down as our non-aero revenues have increased significantly. Besides, the tariff order by AERA has reduced tariff incomes of these two airports from aeronautical activities. This has reduced their contribution to our earnings. Plus, our non-aeronautical revenue has increased from activities like shopping facilities inside terminal buildings. We are also trying to monetize land and are firming up a policy on how to do tendering for hotels. Identified land at 8-9 airports which can be thus monetized.
How much revenue would you raise from these activities?
A: Ideally, the non-aeronautical revenue should be 30-35%. Another couple of years we should reach this target, we are already fairly close to this at just about 30% now.


New concessions opportunities for the revamped LaGuardia Airport (LGA)

New concessions opportunities for the revamped LaGuardia Airport (LGA) will be released “within the next month or so” and possibly as soon as the end of July, according to Ed Baklor, chief commercial officer of LaGuardia Gateway Partners, the consortium selected two years ago to revitalize the aging airport.
The upcoming solicitation “will be going out broadly, widely, to people who have expressed interest,” Baklor says. ACDBEs and other small businesses will be encouraged to propose on opportunities individually or through partners, he adds.

“We’ll be announcing food and beverage first with a very fast follow on the retail side,” Baklor says, adding that he hopes the announcement will come before the end of July.

At the Head House, guests will check in through a common-use area and one central security checkpoint, then advance to the fourth floor which will house the main commercial district, where the lion’s share of concessions will be located.