Bulgaria Extends Deadline for Sofia Airport Bids to 22 November

Bulgaria has extended the deadline for submitting bids to run and operate Sofia airport by a month to Nov. 22, after several requests for clarification about the concession contract, the Transport Ministry said on Thursday.

The government re-launched the tender in July after the original 35-year-old concession plan was scrapped under an interim government which held office for three months in 2017.

 “The deadline is extended by a month after some operators asked for changes in the concession documentation to be made,” ministry’s spokesman Kostadin Vardev toldReuters, adding that bids would be opened on Nov. 23.

Bulgaria’s Transport Ministry has said it expects the airport that is now run by the state to generate revenue of 3.46 billion euros ($3.97 billion) over the whole period.

Manchester Airports Group (MAG), Britain’s largest airport group, said on Wednesday it planned to bid, saying its offer would be supported by Beijing Construction Engineering Group (BCEG), a Chinese state-owned construction company.

Bulgarian media reported that 18 companies or groups were interested in the concession, which the opposition Socialist Party want cancelled because it says the airport built by the taxpayer is a national security asset.
Source: Movinite.com

GMR Airports emerges highest bidder for privatization of Nagpur Airport

GMR Airports, a subsidiary of GMR Infrastructure has emerged as the highest bidder for the Development, Operations and Management of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, Nagpur on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis.

MIHAN India, a joint venture between Maharashtra Airport Development Company (a Government of Maharashtra undertaking) and Airport Authority of India, had started the RFP process to privatize the Nagpur Airport in March 2018.

The project involves Up-gradation, Modernization, Operation and Maintenance of Nagpur Airport for a period of 30 years and includes construction of a new terminal amongst other works. Two bidders viz. GMR Airports and GVK submitted their bids. GMR Airports has submitted highest revenue share bid and expecting Letter of Award shortly.

Source: Business Standard

Chile: Se inicia licitación para ampliar el aeropuerto de Arica

Una ampliación que duplicará la capacidad actual del aeropuerto internacional Chacalluta, es lo que promete el nuevo proceso de concesionamiento del terminal aéreo nortino, según lo anunció el ministro de Obras Públicas, Juan Andrés Fontaine al iniciar su visita a Arica.

El secretario de Estado confirmó que desde el 21 de septiembre está abierto el segundo proceso de concesionamiento de este recinto. “Esta es mi primera visita a la Región de Arica y Parinacota. La licitación de la gran ampliación del aeropuerto, significa duplicar la capacidad de metros cuadrados de terminales, con una mayor capacidad para recibir más pasajeros y para atenderlos con mucho mayor comodidad que hoy”, indicó.

Las obras que deberá construir la futura concesionaria, implica el aumento de 2 a 5 puentes de embarque, la expansión de los estacionamientos para vehículos y aeronaves, y la construcción de una torre de control y un edificio corporativo para los servicios de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica (DGAC). De los actuales 5.200 metros cuadrados, con la ampliación el terminal aéreo llegará a 11.600 metros cuadrados.

“Esto se inserta dentro de Plan de Aeropuertos que estamos desarrollando desde el MOP y la Dirección General de Aeronáutica. Esto se hace cargo de que el tráfico aéreo está creciendo muy rápidamente, más del 10 por ciento por año. Esto está reflejando el progreso del país y la irrupción de las líneas aéreas de bajo costo que abre mucho más la posibilidad para que las personas utilicen este medio de transporte y para los productos. Significa para regiones extremas como Arica y Parinacota una manera de acercarse al resto del país”, expresó el secretario de Estado.

El próximo 20 de noviembre se conocerán las ofertas técnicas, mientras que el 20 de diciembre se abrirán las ofertas económicas de las empresas que califiquen para este proceso y se conocerá el ganador de la licitación.

La nueva concesión, que se extenderá por 15 años, deberá iniciarse en abril del próximo año. La empresa que se adjudique el contrato deberá administrar el edificio actual y tendrá que financiar las obras nuevas previstas en la ampliación, cuya inversión se calcula en 60 mil millones de pesos aproximadamente.

Previo al desarrollo de la construcción, la concesionaria dispondrá de 570 días para presentar el diseño de éstas ante el MOP. El ministro Fontaine estimó que la fase constructiva involucrará la creación de 150 empleos.

Hasta abril del próximo año se mantendrá la concesionaria integrada por Cointer Chile S.A. y Azvi Chile S.A. en el aeropuerto de Chacalluta, tras haberse adjudicado una concesión por 15 años el año 2004 y que modificó por completo el antiguo diseño del terminal.

El ministro anunció que el 2019, el MOP licitará las concesiones de los aeropuertos de Punta Arenas, de Balmaceda en la Región de Aysén, y el de La Florida en La Serena.

Fuente: La Tercera

India: Bidding for privatization of Dr Ambedkar Airport on Sept 28

The privatization of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport at Nagpur is likely to see the light of the day as the five companies, selected earlier, will be submitted their bids on September 28 to officially kickstart the process. The company projecting maximum revenues to the airport would be selected and handed over possession of the airport within a month. MIHAN India Limited is supervising the process of bidding and transfer of airport to the private company.

MIHAN India Limited (MIL) was registered in June 2006 and it took over the airport management in August 2009. Eight years later, in 2017, the RFQ (Request for Qualification) tenders were floated and companies like GVK, GMR, Tata Realty, Essel Infra and PNC Infra were found eligible after the initial assessment.

The process of privatization of Nagpur airport was initiated several times earlier. However, it was pending since the airport was handed over from AAI to MADC in 2009. Even the new government took four and half years to start the process.

A new company with 74% percent partnership of selected private company and 26% partnership of MIL will be formed to execute this ambitious privatization project worth Rs 1,685 crores. The airport currently accommodates 20 aircrafts and this capacity will increase after its development.

The proposed works include:

. Development of second runway of 4,000 meters. 3,200 meters will be developed in first phase and 800 meters will be added in the second phase.

· The new runway will be suitable for landing and take-off of world’s largest aircraft A-300.

· New terminal building in 65,000 sqft area and 16 new parking spots.

· New ATC block, fire station and cargo building.

Process to take a month’s time
The privatization of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport will take another month’s time to complete the process after bidding on 28 September. The selected five companies will submit their bids to the office of MIL. The tenders will be evaluated on the same day with the help of advisors and the company projecting maximum revenues to the airport will be finalized. After this, the transfer of airport will take a month’s time.