Colombia: Promueven plan para aeropuertos en el Pacífico

Con el fin de mejorar la competitividad de la región Pacífico, representantes del sector privado y público están promoviendo la discusión para la nueva licitación de cinco aeropuertos claves para la región. 

Se trata de las terminales aéreas de Armenia, Cali, Ibagué, Neiva y Buenaventura, las cuales harían parte de la misma concesión que se encargaría de la operación, expansión y mantenimiento de dichas terminales.

Para Catalina Ortiz, representante a la Cámara por el Valle del Cauca y quien está liderando en el Congreso un mejor aeropuerto para Cali y las otras terminales, es clave que la mayor cantidad de actores posible participen en el diseño de la nueva concesión. “Lo que queremos hacer es estructurar un aeropuerto que sea competitivo y que nos posicione mucho mejor como región”, dijo. 


Para el caso de la terminal aérea de Cali, que sería estratégica para la región, el objetivo es ampliar la capacidad para la movilización de pasajeros, y sobre todo, la de carga. “Apenas hay un transporte de carga menor y el auge del comercio electrónico en el mundo podría ser una oportunidad para nosotros y para la región”, manifestó la congresista. 

Por su parte, María Isabel Ulloa, directora ejecutiva de ProPacífico, organización encargada de promover la competitividad de la región, explicó que la meta de la entidad, sobre todo para el caso de la terminal aérea de la capital vallecaucana, es que se logre tener el mejor aeropuerto posible. “Teniendo en cuenta que la concesión actual se acaba el otro año, queremos participar como región en la configuración de la nueva licitación y llegar a un consenso para lograr las mejores condiciones posibles”, afirmó Ulloa.

Actualmente, la concesión es manejada por Aerocali, organizaciónque está en el proceso de estructuración de la nueva licitación. “Nos parece que la mejor forma para lograr un mejor aeropuerto es que haya un mayor número de oferentes y eso se hace a través de la participación activa de todos”, agregó Ortiz. 

Aunque la licitación es de iniciativa privada, que es cuando una entidad privada estructura y diseña los nuevos pliegos, la representante a la Cámara propone que se revise la posibilidad de que sea estructurada por el sector público. “El hecho de que sea el mismo privado que diseñe los pliegos les da una ventaja sobre los otros y la idea es que haya una mayor participación de interesados”, agregó. 

Por su parte, Ulloa cree que sin importar si es de iniciativa privada o pública, el objetivo es que se diseñe un aeropuerto con mejores condiciones que las actuales. 

“No estamos ni a favor ni en contra de la concesionaria ni de que sea iniciativa privada o pública, la idea es que diseñemos un aeropuerto que sea ambicioso y que nos posicione mucho mejor como región. Queremos ser líderes entre los aeropuertos regionales”, aseveró la directora de ProPacífico.

Según Ortiz y Ulloa, uno de los motivos por los cuales están promoviendo discusiones sobre la nueva concesión del aeropuerto de Cali es que se han prendido algunas alarmas por cuenta del desempeño de la terminal aérea. 

“Viva Air salió de ese aeropuerto por un tema de costos y desde que la aerolínea salió de ahí, el incremento de los tiquetes ha sido muy alto”, dijo Ulloa. 

Por eso, los planes de la representante a la Cámara y la directora de ProPacífico, apoyados también en Invest Pacific, la Cámara de Comercio de Cali, Cali Valle Bureau, Comité Intergremial Empresarial y la Gobernación del Valle del Cauca, es que mientras se define la nueva licitación, que sería a finales de este año, se promuevan espacios de discusión al respecto. 

“Estamos organizando un foro para el próximo 8 de febrero, en el que buscamos que todos los actores discutan sobre cómo debería ser el mejor aeropuerto para Cali, y de los otros territorios”, explicó la directora de ProPacífico.

Para la nueva concesión se contempla la construcción de una terminal exclusiva para las aerolíneas de bajo costo, una nueva torre de control y más puntos de abordaje, según dieron a conocer las representantes. 

Sin embargo, los detalles de la licitación se sabrían hasta finales de este año, cuando Aerocali dé a conocer las características de los pliegos. En ese sentido, la Agencia Nacional de Infraestructura (ANI) sería la encargada de revisar la viabilidad del proyecto y definir si se hace a través de iniciativa privada o no. 


Para el caso de las otras cuatro terminales, que estarían incluidas en la nueva concesión, la idea es que se modernicen las instalaciones de las terminales aéreas, con el fin de incrementar su capacidad. 

“Una opción es que los aeropuertos puedan funcionar como un ‘hub’ regional, incluso para el transporte de carga. La idea es reunir a los expertos y tomar mejores decisiones al respecto”, concluyó Ulloa.


Resolving Malaysia’s airport conundrum

The story of tenants not seeing eye to eye with landlords is one that endures the test of time. Tenants often find fault with their landlords in upholding their rented property’s expectations, whilst landlords feel they do their level best to provide what they deem as meeting the bar.

Whilst mostly common in the property scene, such a situation is also present in aviation, specifically for Malaysia Airport Holdings Bhd (MAHB) as it deals with being the sole airport operator in the country, handling at least 80 different airlines flying both domestic and international.

This includes ferrying a growing hoard of passengers over the years, the latest of which reaching 99 million for the full year 2018.

According to latest statistics, MAHB’s passenger traffic grew by 2.5 per cent year on year (y-o-y) to 99 million for all of its domestic airports in 2018.

MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd (MIDF Research) in a January 11 note saw that more than 50 per cent of the increase was contributed by passenger traffic at the low cost terminal Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2(klia2), with more than 90 per cent of the load carried by the AirAsia Group Bhd (AirAsia).

Locally, domestic traffic at Malaysian airports recorded a modest growth of 0.4 per cent y-o-y in 2018.

The main reason for this was the shift of airlines seat capacity by some local carriers from domestic to international sectors, MIDF Research said.

“As such, the international traffic of airports in Malaysia grew at a stronger pace of 4.5 per cent y-o-y to reach 51.6 million passengers in 2018,” it said in the note.

“We opine that the strength in international traffic in 2018 was partly supported by MAHB’s efforts to attract 13 new airlines such as Citylink Garuda Indonesia, Condor Flugdienst from Germany and Indian low-cost airline, IndiGo Airlines.”

Looking at airports specifically, klia2 is observed to have higher passenger growth of 5.3 per cent y-o-y, which represents a net increase of 1.6 million passengers.

As international passenger movements continued to retain more than 50 per centmarket share since January 2017, MIDF Research believed low cost carriers were set to benefit as international passengers command higherrevenue in terms of ticket prices and ancillary items.

“In addition, we opine that the pent-up demand for international travel will place LCCs such as AirAsia and AirAsia X at a significant advantage over its competitors,” it added.

This is given the companies’ ability to leverage on its network of airlines operators in South East Asia while constantly introducing and retaining optimal routes couples with innovative strategies to drive cost lower.

A battle over travel taxes

Thus, we see many responsibilities held by an airport operator. Nevertheless, not all is ‘smooth-flying’ in the industry as prominent player, AirAsia, continues to keep MAHB in check.

One such issue is the Passenger Service Charge (PSC), which AirAsia urges regulators and policymakers in the airline industry to rebuff the additional RM23 PSC, believing this to be an unfair and unreasonable attempt by MAHB “to enrich itself”.

AirAsia Malaysia chief executive officer Riad Asmat said MAHB has argued it needs more profits to operate smaller loss-making airports on behalf of the government, “but it is obvious from its exponential growth in profits over the last three years, even after taking into account losses in its Turkish operations, that this is not the case.”

The airport operator used its monopoly to enrich itself further by revisiting and rescinding the decision to raise the PSC, he said, adding the additional PSC to be collected would amount to more than RM100mil a year that will go straight to MAHB’s bottom line rather than to the government.

“MAHB will continue to be among the most profitable Malaysian companies for many years to come – but this will come at a cost to the wider Malaysian economy and at the expense of engines of growth such as AirAsia and AirAsia X,” he said in a statement.

Meanwhile, AirAsia X Malaysia chief executive officer Benyamin Ismail opposed the price hike from each passenger travelling through klia2, saying it is “unjustified high charges given its passenger-unfriendly airport environment”.

“Furthermore, since klia2 opened, there have been constant flight disruptions and cancellations due to major apron and runway defects, unscheduled closure of runways, ponding of water on the best of days and fuel pipeline ruptures.

“We will not be part of this scheme to burden the travelling public by making them pay more for below par services,” he added.

Following this, MAHB is suing low-cost carrier AirAsia Group Bhd and its long-haul affiliate AirAsia X for a combined RM36.11 million for outstanding airport taxes.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, AirAsia said MAHB via its subsidiary, Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd (MASSB) has filed a lawsuit against the airline’s wholly-owned unit AirAsia Bhd seeking RM9.4 million for unpaid PSCs.

In a separate filing, AirAsia X said it has also been served with a writ of summons of RM26.72 million by MASSB for PSC arrears.

Both AirAsia and AirAsia X said they will defend these proceedings “vigorously” as they believe the claims are made “without justification and are unreasonable”.

‘Not the same standards’

The PSC is paid by departing passengers and is collected by the airlines upon purchase of tickets. It is later passed on to MAHB upon completion of the flight.

While the PSC is set at RM73 per passenger beginning January 1 this year, both airlines had only been collecting RM50 per passenger. MAHB is now demanding that the airlines pay up the RM23 difference per passenger from July onwards.

However, AirAsia said AAB has not collected, and refuses to collect, from travelling passengers. AirAsia has done likewise.

MASSB insists that klia2 should charge the same rates as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) (Main Terminal). We strongly believe and have so represented to MASSB numerous times, that klia2 is a low-cost airport and the charges levied should reflect the level of services provided.

“We maintain that we are not obliged to collect the same PSC for passengers departing from klia2 and will not do so for the sake of all the stakeholders in the aviation and tourism industries,” said AirAsia and AAX.

In what is seen as a tit-for-tat response to MAHB’s lawsuit, the two airlines said they intend to pursue cross claims against the airport operator in relation to the infrastructure and state of the airports and its operations which include major apron defects, random closure of runways, damage to aircraft and rupture of fuel pipelines.

“We believe these claims far exceed the claims MASSB is seeking. We have attempted – without success – on numerous occasions to engage MASSB on these issues but regrettably MASSB has decided to bring these issues to the public arena by commencing legal action,” they said.

Both AirAsia X and AirAsia are still involved in legal proceedings against MAHB in regard to a burst fuel pipe at klia2 Terminal in Kuala Lumpur in 2016 which allegedly caused substantial losses to AirAsia X.

Rustling up structure for airport REIT

Another key development in the aviation industry is the up-and-coming airport real estate investment trust (REIT), a first of its kind with expectations to generate more than RM700 million per annum.

The government planned to sell a 30 per cent stake of its airport assets via the REIT structure for targeted net proceeds of RM4 billion.

This would deliver more than RM766 million per annum, said Maybank Investment Bank Research (Maybank IB) in a report.

“The exact structure of the Airport REIT is sketchy for now, but we do not think it will be punitive to MAHB due to safeguards from its operating agreement with the government,” it said in a report on the Budget announcement.

Maybank IB pointed out that the government intended to use the proceeds and upgrade existing airports and expand capacity for congested ones.

“This is a positive way to raise funds without tapping into the federal tax pool. In theory, there are many merits to do this and it will provide the capital market with an income generating infrastructure asset of quality.

“The government, under Budget 2019, stated that it is considering to monetise other assets via the REIT structure such as hospitals and rail infrastructure. Therefore, this Airport REIT is a benchmark for other initiatives.”

The airport REIT is expected to be finalised between the second and third quarters (2Q and 3Q) of 2019. However, MayBank Investment Bank Bhd analyst Mohshin Aziz said the airport REIT was most likely to be one year away from realisation.

“Currently, very little information is available on the structure. It is still work-in-progress pending the
finalisation of the on-going regulated asset based negotiations between Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) and the Malaysian Aviation Commission,” he said in a separate research note.

Mohshin said the new company would be an added layer between the government and MAHB, citing that selected airport assets would be injected into the new company.

“This is to derive an equivalent asset value of RM4 billion (for the 30 per cent stake to be sold) and later listed on Bursa Malaysia (presumably).

“The ReitCo will get rental income either directly from MAHB via the revenue share mechanism or government pays out the revenue share it receives into the ReitCo,” he added.

Mohshin said the government planned to use the proceeds (airport REIT) and upgrade existing airports as well as to expand capacity for congested ones.

“This is a positive way to raise funds without tapping into the federal tax pool. The other airport assets that are upgraded can later be injected into the ReitCo when they turn profitable and generate sufficient income for the fund,” he said.

Mohshin said the airport REIT could be a benchmark for other initiatives, considering the government wanted to monetise other assets via the REIT structure such as hospitals and rail infrastructure.

REIT a powerful way to monestise infra assets

The proposed REIT is a powerful way for the government to securitise and monetise its infrastructure assets, says the Malaysian REIT Managers Association (MRMA).

MRMA in a statement said it would also be a strategic way to unlock the country’s aviation infrastructure value, creating a sustainable structure to fund the airports’ future capital expenditure and expansion as well as igniting capital market interest.

Chairman Datuk Jeffrey Ng said with the right pricing and valuation, the Airport REIT initial public offering (IPO) would garner strong interest from both institutional and retail investors as the REIT is supported by high-quality government-backed assets.

“In line with the local bourse’s priority to attract higher foreign participation in the domestic capital market, we suggest that the government consider increasing the free-float of the Airport REIT to more than the proposed 30 per cent stake in order to increase liquidity and tradability of the proposed REIT.

“With a sizeable free-float, the IPO will attract greater interest from international funds,” he said.

Furthermore, the success of the proposed Airport REIT is premised on balancing growth potential vis-à-vis protecting any downside risks.

He said as the distributable income from the Airport REIT is based on user fees collected from the established airport management concession holder MAHB, the lease structure of the REIT should have a minimal guaranteed income.

This would protect the downside risk while unitholders may also enjoy the upside growth of the user fees derived from aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenues, which include duty-free retail, food and beverages offerings, car park management and advertising, he added.

Complex structure a puzzle

The airport REIT structure, however, is not without its share of complexities.

Maybank IB Research’s Mohshin pointed out that airports are in constant need of maintenance capital expenditure as most airports will reach their design capacity over a 10-year cycle and require major capacity expansion.

Malaysia’s REIT structure only allowed a 15 per cent provision for expansion, he further highlighted, and this might not be sufficient for airports.

“The Malaysian REIT sector is yielding an average of 6.3 per cent in 2018. Assuming that this ReitCo pays 6.3 per cent yields, it will have to pay RM252 million in dividends for the equivalent RM4 billion asset value not owned by the government,” he said in the report.

This did not appear to be much of a problem, given that MAHB’s user share payment to the government exceeds RM400 million per annum and is growing in tandem with traffic growth. The government owns all airport assets in the country and is the beneficial owner of the land title.

In a separate report, AllianceDBS Research Sdn Bhd (AllianceDBS Research) said the planned REIT appeared to be primarily securitising cash flows from user fees, where the existing agreement is MAHB pays a progressively escalating proportion of airports revenues to the government.

Meanwhile, Maybank IB said the departure levy would be negative for airlines, adding that MAHB would be largely unaffected.

“The departure levy will negatively impact AirAsia and AirAsia X ’s passenger load as their passengers are perceived to be price sensitive.

“Historical accounts are mixed regarding the impact of tax hikes on air travel; in Europe, it caused a multi-year traffic decline while in Hong Kong and Singapore, it merely reduced the traffic growth momentum slightly. The jury is not yet out whether the departure levy will kill passenger demand.”

Mavcom believes the REIT could materially constrain the development of the Aeronautical Charges Framework/Regulated Asset Base framework (RAB Framework) and renegotiation of the Operating Agreement.

The proposal, if not carefully designed, could affect the RAB Framework and Operating Agreement which seek to resolve issues surrounding airport development funding, industry investment, airport planning, capital expenditure (capex) discipline and quality of service.

In its 2019 Budget Commentary, Mavcom said one of the key issues that remain before the airports are injected into the REIT is the complexity of the ownership of the land on which these airports are located, as some airports sit on land with multiple ownership structures.

“This is potentially an operational issue requiring resolution prior to inclusion of any airport asset into the proposed REIT,” it said.

It noted that the REIT’s yields and attractiveness to potential investors would be linked to the level of airport charges of those airports under the REIT, thus airport users including passengers and airlines, will need to be cautious of the possible risk of airport charges being subjected to artificial upward pressure by the REIT’s yield requirements.

“While the government’s proceeds arising from the REIT could be used to fund or subsidise MAHB’s capex requirements for future airport developments, it could also undermine the long-term capital planning process improvements being pursued by the RAB Framework and the new Operating

“In addition, there is lack of clarity on the utilisation of the initial RM4 billion proceeds of the REIT and the REIT could be a costlier source of funding for the government compared with other modes of financing.”

What about AirAsia’s growth story?

With all these small hurdles to AirAsia’s operations in Malaysia, group chief executive officer Tony Fernandes says the AirAsia Group will not get involved in any new ventures for the next three years.

“As 2019 approaches, I would like to confirm that AirAsia will not be opening up any more new airlines for the next three years. After Vietnam, we will focus on what we have. Focus this year is to make Indonesia and Philippines very profitable,” Fernandes wrote on Twitter regarding AirAsia’s business plans going forward.

To note, the LCC group signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Thien Minh Travel Joint Stock Company (TMG) and Hai Au Aviation Joint Stock Company (HAA) regarding the launch of its newest, and for now last, unit AirAsia Vietnam (Hanoi) on December 6, 2018.

Earlier in 2018, the group scrapped plans for launching AirAsia China (Zhengzhou) and a Myanmarese unit.

“AirAsia X will have the best ever year in 2019. The most undervalued airline. Have done all the hard work. Cut silly routes. Renegotiated leases.”

Meanwhile, its Indonesian counterpart will transition into a non-scheduled carrier in early 2019, according to AirAsia X Group chief executive officer Nadda Buranasiri.

According to the carrier’s 3Q18 financial statements, Indonesia AirAsia X will cease scheduled services in early 2019 in favour of continuing as a non-scheduled airline.

Citing the increasingly difficult Indonesian market, the airlines did not clarify whether the transition means it will continue as a production carrier for other AirAsia X units or as an open ACMI/charter

“With the challenging operating environment in Indonesia, primarily due to the series of natural disasters that occurred in proximity to Bali, the company is underway to evaluate the available options for our Indonesian associate to ensure sustainability of the company” while “the last scheduled flight from Denpasar to Tokyo Narita will end in January 2019,” Buranasiri said.

Nevertheless, Fernandes says AirAsia is still looking at converting an unspecified number of its A330neo order slots into A321neo.

According to a Bloomberg report, Fernandes did not provide any further details although such a shift would be consistent with previous remarks to the effect that the LCC group would prefer to use the A321neo to boost capacity on slot constrained Asian city-pairs.

AirAsia itself currently has 100 A321neo on order from Airbus alongside 304 A320neo (of which twenty-three have thus far been delivered).

The group’s longhaul low-cost unit, AirAsia X, has sixty-six A330-900s on order from Airbus (AIB, Toulouse Blagnac) with a further thirty-four added to the pile back in July this year. Deliveries are due to start at the end of 2019.

AirAsia will not participate in airport REIT’

On this move, AirAsia Group has said it will not invest in the proposed airport REIT as the low-cost carrier does not want to lose focus on its airline business.

Fernandes said while the implementation mechanism of Airport REIT – proposed by the government in Budget 2019 – has not been finalised, AirAsia hopes it will attract more private sector players to participate in running the country’s airports.

“We don’t know the full mechanism, and AirAsia as an airline, we want to just focus on the airline business,” he told a press conference after the launch of Malaysia’s first digital airport control centre by Ground Team Red Sdn Bhd (GTR) at klia2.

“We would like to see full privatisation. So new players will come in, introduce different ways of running an airport.

“It is not our job to build airports. We don’t want to lose focus; our job is to move people from point A to point B, at the cheapest price and in comfort. That is our goal.”

Source: The Borneo Post

Kenya Airways eyes new unit to manage JKIA for 30 years

Kenya Airways has proposed the formation of a subsidiary dedicated to managing operations at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) for a concession period of 30 years.

KQ’s plan, contained in its Privately Initiated Investment Proposal (PIIP), includes the creation a special purpose vehicle (SPV) — a unit of a company which is shielded from the parent firm’s financial risk — to operate, maintain and develop JKIA.

“It (SPV) is set up under the conditions set out in Section 59 of the public-private partnership (PPP) Act,” said Jonny Andersen, KAA managing director.

The PIIP is required to satisfy defined criteria, follow statutory steps and obtain approvals from the relevant regulators.

“The board of directors and management of the KAA, therefore, appointed transaction advisers to advise on the PIIP including carrying out comprehensive due diligence and evaluation of the PIIP. MMC Africa Law has been picked as transactional advisers,” he said Wednesday.

Concerns raised
According to Mr Andersen, the board and management of KAA will consider the proposal on the basis of the guidelines within the PPP Act, which incorporates public participation.

The series of events for stakeholders will be hosted in Kisumu, Eldoret, Mombasa, Wajir, Lodwar and Nairobi beginning Wednesday and will run through to mid-February.

“As one of our most valued stakeholders, it is mandatory and important that we get the views and feedback of all relevant stakeholders in the proposals made by KQ in the PIIP,” said Mr Andersen.

He added that due diligence on the state of the KAA and on that of the national carrier was underway as well as evaluation of KQ’s proposal.

Source: Daily Nation

Airport modernisation: New model raises hopes of a take-off

Having failed repeatedly to partially privatise the Ahmedabad and Jaipur airports, with sweetening of conditions proving inadequate for investment, the Union government has changed tack and opted for the public private partnership (PPP) model to redevelop the Ahmedabad, Jaipur and four other airports.
More than 12 years after the Delhi and Mumbai airports were privatised, the facilities at Lucknow, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Mangaluru, Trivandrum and Guwahati would be going under the hammer in the coming weeks, a move that has been welcomed by experts. “We should see good participation from both domestic and international players,” says Jagannarayan Padmanabhan, director and practice lead at CRISIL Infrastructure Advisory.

Under the new framework the ministry of civil aviation has devised, a longer concession period of 50 years is being offered to prospective developers for greater certainty of returns, besides the elimination of the contentious revenue-sharing bidding criterion. In a departure from the first round of airport privatisation, the bids would be assessed on the basis of the highest monthly per-passenger fee offered to the Airports Authority of India (AAI).
Airport operators have often complained of the high fund outgo under the revenue-sharing model as it is based on gross revenue instead of profits, with the revenues to be shared in case of losses as well. It also limits the operators’ capacity to invest in expansion work. On the other hand, the passenger fee would be decided at the time the contract is awarded, continuing over a five-year period.
“A longer concession tenure and replacement of the revenue-sharing parameter would make the projects more viable. This should help address the need to build world-class airports in non-metro cities,” holds Satyan Nayar, general secretary of the Association of Private Airport Operators.
The six airports chosen for redevelopment could attract over $1-bn investment, it is estimated. “Each of the airports needs an investment of $200 mn,” Padmanabhan points out. Several domestic and overseas investment entities including infrastructure funds are said to be keen on the upcoming investment opportunity.
Significantly, the GVK group which operates the Mumbai airport had shown interest in redeveloping the Ahmedabad and Jaipur airports under the old tender. “We would be interested in participating in the bids. We are in the process of evaluating the bid conditions,” says a private airport developer.
In an attempt to fast-track the process, the Centre is looking to award the contracts by February-end. However, with the general elections scheduled for May this year, this may prove a tall ask — CAPA India has described the government’s timeline for airport privatisation as aggressive.

The consultancy firm had highlighted that India’s aviation sector needs investment to the tune of $45 bn by 2030. With India being the world’s fastest growing aviation market, its airports are grappling with serious capacity constraints. According to the AAI, 11 of the 25 major airports have been handling more passengers than their designed capacity. And many other airports would have breached their capacity limits in the next five years.

Source: Financial Express