DFW Named as the Winner of Excellence in 2018 ACI-NA Concessions Awards

Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) today announced that Dallas Fort Worth International Airport is the winner of the Richard A. Griesbach Award of Excellence in the 2018 ACI-NA Airport Concessions Awards that recognizes the most innovative and outstanding work in airport concessions.

The awards were announced during a gala dinner at the 2018 ACI-NA Business of Airports Conference in Portland, OR. More than 600 commercial management, business diversity, human resource, and finance representatives from the North American airport industry attended the conference.

This year’s contest received more than 140 nominations from airports of all sizes throughout the U.S. and Canada. In addition to the Griesbach Award and Concessions Person of the Year, 37 other awards were presented in the following categories:

Best “Green” Concessions Concept or Practice

1st Place: Bistrot, Aéroports de Montréal  (Operated by HMSHost)

2nd Place: Green Plate Program, Portland International Airport

3rd Place: Green Restaurant Certification, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 4  (Operated by JFKIAT & SSP America)


Best Innovative Consumer Experience Concept or Practice

1st Place: Hollywood Theatre, Portland International Airport

2nd Place: WeWatt, Indianapolis International Airport

3rd Place: ROAM Fitness, Baltimore-Washington International Airport  (Operated by ROAM Fitness)


Best New Consumer Service Concept

1st Place: Mobile Point of Sale (mPOS), Paradies Lagardère

2nd Place: Server Pager System, Paradies Lagardère
3rd Place: Be Relax Spa, Washington Dulles International Airport (Operated by Be Relax)


Best New Food and Beverage (Full-Service Concept)

1st Place: Book & Bourbon Southern Kitchen, Louisville International Airport  (Operated by HMSHost)

2nd Place: Lift Bar & Grill, Vancouver International Airport  (Operated by SSP Canada)

3rd Place: Hickory, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport  (Operated by Paradies Lagardère)


Best New Food and Beverage (Quick-Service Concept)

1st Place: Thai Express, Calgary International Airport  (Operated by MTY Group)

2nd Place: Café con Leche, Tampa International Airport  (Operated by SSP America)

3rd Place: Blue Star Donuts, Portland International Airport   (Operated by Blue Star Donuts)


Best New Duty Free Concept

1st Place: DFS Duty Free Pop-up Shops, John F. Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 4  (Operated by DFS Duty Free)


Best New Local Concept

1st Place: Angel Food Bakery and Donut Bar, Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport  (Operated by Delaware North)

2nd Place: I VINI, Austin–Bergstrom International Airport  (Operated by Delaware North)

3rd Place: Vin Room, Calgary International Airport  (Operated by Vin Room YYC Airport)


Best New National Brand Concept

1st Place: Hard Rock Café, George Bush Intercontinental Airport and Tampa International Airport (Operated by SSP America)

2nd Place: Shake Shack, Los Angeles International Airport, Terminal 3  (Operated by HMSHost)


Best New News & Gift Concept

1st Place: New Stand, Los Angeles International Airport, Terminal 1  (Operated by Pacific Gateway)

2nd Place: Distillery District Marketplace, Louisville International Airport  (Operated by Paradies Lagardère)


Best New Retail Concept

1st Place: Up Pup ‘N’ Away, Hollywood Burbank Airport  (Operated by BRICKANDMORTAR.ME.INC)

2nd Place: The Runway, Tampa International Airport  (Operated by Paradies Lagardère)

3rd Place: Nuts on Clark, O’Hare International Airport  (Operated by Nuts on Clark)


Best Food & Beverage Program – Large Airport

1st Place: George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Terminal A

2nd Place: John F. Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 4

3rd Place: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Terminal D


Best Food & Beverage Program – Medium Airport

1st Place: Dallas Love Field Airport

2nd Place: William P. Hobby Airport


Best Food & Beverage Program – Small Airport

1st Place: Louisville International Airport

2nd Place: Tucson International Airport


Best Retail Program – Large Airport

1st Place: Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Terminal A

2nd Place: George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Terminal A

3rd Place: Vancouver International Airport, International Terminal


Best Retail Program – Medium and Small Airport

1st Place: Louisville International Airport


2018 Concessions Person of the Year

Laurie Noyes, Tampa International Airport


2018 Richard A. Griesbach Award for Excellence in Airport Concessions

Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Terminal D


Kenya Airways will operate Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NJKIA)

The Kenyan Cabinet is reported to have approved a proposal to permit Kenya Airways to operate the country’s principal gateway and hub, Nairobi Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NJKIA). Kenya Airways is expected to establish a holding company to operate NJKIA under the terms of a 30-year concession contract with the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) with all NJKIA personnel being employed by the holding company.

The objective is to allow both the airport and the airline to better compete with Gulf airlines and the aggressive Ethiopian Airlines on a level playing field.

To avoid lengthy legal issues, the decision is to be effected through a concession with Kenya Airways designated as the private party and Kenya Airports Authority as the contracting authority. Under the new arrangement, NJKIA – currently under the sole management of the State-owned KAA, and with estimated annual revenues of KES7 billion (USD70 million) – is to be owned and managed by a holding company that will, in turn, be 100% owned by Kenya Airways under the concession agreement.

KAA will receive concession fees from Kenya Airways but will face the loss of approximately 90% of its revenues, which were generated by the airport. KAA will, though, continue running the country’s remaining airports but their contribution to its financial coffers is paltry in comparison.

These two large State-controlled institutions are being brought together under one roof in an effort to consolidate State assets in the aviation industry; effectively copying the model practised by Middle East carriers where airlines and airports are in common ownership.

Source: The Blue Swan Daily

Las líneas aéreas latinoamericanas transportan 3,5 millones de usuarios adicionales en 2018

En lo que va del año, las aerolíneas latinoamericanas registraron un crecimiento acumulado del 4.4% en su volumen de tráfico, con 3.5 millones de pasajeros adicionales respecto al año anterior, informó la Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Transporte Aéreo (ALTA).

En su último reporte, el organismo regional reportó un total de 20.6 millones de pasajeros movilizados por sus aerolíneas afiliadas en abril, lo que representó un incremento del 6.1% respecto al mismo mes del año anterior.

La demanda del mes (medida en pasajeros-kilómetro transportados, o RPK por sus siglas en inglés) creció 8.2%, mientras que la capacidad (en asientos disponibles por kilómetro, o ASK) aumentó un 8.4% año contra año.

Con esto, el factor de ocupación alcanzó el 81.7%, una reducción de 2 décimas porcentuales respecto a abril de 2017.

El ente de aerolíneas resaltó que parte de este desempeño se vio impulsado por el crecimiento de los mercados aéreos de Argentina, Perú y México.

“El tráfico doméstico de México creció un 10% con respecto a abril 2017 y las aerolíneas mexicanas siguen captando nuevos pasajeros en este mercado donde la mayoría de las personas se siguen movilizando en bus”, comentó Luis Felipe de Oliveira, director general y CEO de ALTA.

En el mismo tenor, el mercado doméstico argentino mostró gran dinamismo, alcanzando un crecimiento de 10.1% en abril, mientras en Perú el crecimiento fue superior al 13%, “confirmando que la entrada de aerolíneas de bajo costo al mercado ha creado una dinámica de crecimiento muy fuerte”, apuntó De Oliveira.

En tanto Brasil, el mercado doméstico más grande de la región, continuó su recuperación. Durante el mes pasado volaron más de 7 millones de pasajeros, un alza superior al 4.5% con respecto a abril de 2017.

Asia y África siguen al alza

ALTA también reportó que 8.5 millones de pasajeros volaron desde y hacia la región en el primer cuatrimestre, lo que representó un incremento del 13.7% con respecto al mismo periodo de 2017.

En el desempeño por regiones, Asia-Pacífico (34.8%, +61 mil pasajeros adicionales) y África (60%, +11 mil pasajeros adicionales) continúan mostrando “tasas de crecimiento excepcionales”. En el primer caso, esto fue gracias a las nuevas opciones de conectividad de dicha región con México, y en el segundo por el aumento en los servicios disponibles (42 vuelos directos mensuales en este mercado, que representan una oferta de más de 8 mil asientos).

En tanto, Norteamérica (+14%) y Europa (+8.6%) siguen dominando la demanda desde y hacia Latinoamérica y el Caribe, con un 81.4 y 15.5% de participación de mercado en abril, respectivamente.

Source: Aerolatin News

Hamad International to open lounge for people with learning disabilities and autism

Hamad International Airport (HIA) will be opening a special handling lounge focused on the requirements of passengers with learning disabilities and autism. The announcement follows a partnership struck up between the Qatari airport and the Shafallah Center, one of the Qatar Foundation for Social Work’s (QFSW) affiliated centres.

Both parties formalised their partnership on Monday (June 11), with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU).

In the MoU, HIA committed to adding the special handling lounge, with the centre overseeing its set up to ‘ensure the comfort and convenience’ of the passengers it serves. According to the airport, which is the second busiest in the Middle East, the lounge will feature certain aspects of a sensory room, specially designed to be used for the therapy for children with limited communication skills, including electronic carpets, which allow children to play games and activities.

Shafallah Center will also provide specialised training for ground handling staff at HIA on how to provide special care and assistance to passengers with special needs including those with autism.

Source: International Airport Review