These local retailers could be headed to Nashville airport

Some of the city’s most popular retail shops — from Two Old Hippies to Project 615 — have signed letters of intent to open outposts at the airport under a major overhaul of its concessions operation, according to the Airport Authority.

Airport executives hope the new retail lineup will help transform the airport into more of a shopping hub for tourists and locals alike, encouraging travelers to spend their layovers or pre-flight down time shopping for Nashville confections, Tennessee-branded goods and clothing from local boutiques.

“The number one goal is for all guests who arrive to Nashville to experience the true Nashville at the airport,” said Ben Zandi, president of Fraport, the German firm awarded the new Nashville airport concessions contract. “Number two is to improve their dwell time because now this is a really cool place to hang out, shop, listen to music, record your own music, go listen to live entertainment, shop with local vendors on the retail side, shop with local vendors on the food and beverage side.”

Lease negotiations are still underway, and letters of intent don’t always translate into signed deals, but the preliminary list of retailers planned for the airport includes chains such as Sunglass Hut and James Avery jewelry, plus an impressive roster of local businesses.

Planned airport businesses include Project 615, Parnassus, Two Old Hippies

Local retailers on the list of anticipated businesses include Project 615, White’s Mercantile, Goo Goo Store, Parnassus Books and Two Old Hippies. Reese Witherspoon’s popular 12South boutique, Draper James, is also on the list.

The new concessions program will include roughly 90 new locations of food and beverage, retail, passenger services, news, gifts and amenities, according to the Airport Authority. Development of the new concessions will start this year and continue through early 2023.

Source: The Tennessean

King Shaka International Airport: more retail stores and wifi for flyers

King Shaka International Airport General Manager, Terence Delomoney, said they were in the process of reconfiguring the retail space, which will open in two months.

Currently one of Africa’s leading airports, the airport connected over 5 million travellers last year. There will be 3 new stores and 3 kiosks as well as free wifi services. There is also a range of franchise restaurants spread throughout the airport.

“We are trying to do our best to enhance the experiences for travellers. The airport will open a new lounge in the domestic terminal, and we will intensify our technological side of the business,” he said.

“Being a diversion airport for OR Tambo International and the need for space for long haul aircrafts has prompted the decision for new parking facilities. We also plan to extend our “taxiway” which is the space between the aircraft parking and the runway,” he said.

Source: IOL News

Costa Rica: Nuevas inversiones en Santamaría alejan cada vez más plan de aeropuerto en Orotina

Un nuevo edificio que alberga cuatro salas de abordaje con capacidad para 600 pasajeros, así como un nuevo salón VIP y un área para mascotas (aún no disponible), fue inaugurado por autoridades de Gobierno este viernes en el Aeropuerto Juan Santamaría.

La nueva edificación denominada bloque «V» o “Víctor”, según el alfabeto aeronáutico, comprende un espacio de más de 6.000 metros cuadrados en cuatro niveles.

Las obras forman parte del plan maestro que el gestor a cargo de la terminal, Aeris Holding Costa Rica, viene ejecutando en los últimos años y debe completar para el 2020, con una inversión de más de $100 millones.

Precisamente, ese desarrollo hace que el plan por construir un nuevo aeropuerto en Orotina se aleje cada vez más.

El jerarca del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT), Rodolfo Méndez Mata, insistió durante la inauguración del edificio, que la construcción del aeropuerto en aquel cantón alajuelense dependerá de un plan maestro que apenas está por licitarse.

Ese estudio arrojará la situación de las terminales aéreas en todo el país y cuándo sería necesario contar con una nueva terminal, sin que esté claro todavía dónde.

“Estamos invirtiendo $140 millones este aeropuerto y no lo estamos invirtiendo para cerrarlo, de manera que tenemos que precisar los tiempos y la valoración de todas las obras que se pueden requerir en esa nueva instalación y los efectos que está teniendo el aeropuerto de Guanacaste, porque buena medida de la demanda también está siendo absorbida por el Daniel Oduber Quirós”, afirmó.

Solo anuncio

El proyecto del aeropuerto en Orotina fue anunciado por el anterior gobierno a mediados del 2017.

Incluso el entonces presidente, Luis Guillermo Solís, firmó un decreto en el que declaraba de interés público 370 propiedades ubicadas en un terreno de 1.950 hectáreas en las comunidades de Mastate, Coyolar y La Ceiba en Orotina.

La meta anunciada era que la terminal aérea abriría su primera fase en el 2027, en el más optimista de los escenarios. El costo se estimó en $2.000 millones. Requeriría un área de 128.000 metros cuadrados y tendría una capacidad para atender a 3.000 pasajeros por hora, en momentos de alto tránsito. Sin embargo, el actual jerarca del MOPT, reconoció a La Nación, en noviembre pasado, que continuar esa hoja de ruta no estaba entre las prioridades de la actual administración.

Fuente: La Nación. Costa Rica

East Timor: Government to approve agreement to develop airport

Three members of East Timor’s government were on Wednesday mandated by cabinet to negotiate a cooperation agreement with the United States aimed at rehabilitating the airport of Baucau, the country’s second biggest city

The government said in a statement that the issue was debated at a meeting today of the government which approved a project by the minister of defence, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, regarding the start of the negotiations with the U.S to develop the airport, 127 km from east of Dili.

The project will extend the runway to make it considerably longer than that of the airport of Dili and it is one of the airports with the most potential due to its location, the government explained in the statement.

The negotiation process will be led by ministers of defence, foreign affairs and cooperation, transport and communication and public works.

The announcement comes shortly after the Japanese government announced it would support works to improve the International Airport Nicolau Lobato in Dili with $44 million.

Source: Macau Business