Nuevo concurso para tienda en la T3 del aeropuerto de Madrid.

logo madrid adolfoAENA ha convocado una nueva licitación en lado tierra del aeropuerto de Madrid – Adolfo Suárez.
Las características principales son:
Superficie: 79,8 metros cuadrados.
Situación: Terminal 3, nivel +1, Dique Norte. Lado aire.
Actividad: A proponer entre las siguientes.
Regalos y Decoración. Moda hombre/mujer. Moda infantil. Artículos de viaje. Artículos de escritorio. Joyería/Bisutería. Complementos. Otras no excluidas expresamente en la licitación (ver página 22 del Pliego)
Duración del contrato: 5 años.
Fecha de presentación de la oferta: 4 de septiembre.

Aelia wins Luxembourg duty-free and retail tenders.

logo LS travel retailLS Travel Retail has won the 10-year contract to operate retail and duty-free concessions at Luxembourg airport.
The retailer will open two new Aelia Duty Free shops on January and March 2016 and a fine food retail concept, House of Delight, in May 2016.
aelia duty freeThese include a Next Generation Aelia Duty Free walkthrough store of 615 sq m airside dedicated to core business, alcohol, tobacco, gastronomy, confectionery, perfume, cosmetics and fashion as well as a multi-category store with 158 sq m on landside proposing the same kind of products. The fine food shop, “House of Delight”, dedicated to Luxemburg specialties, will span 76sq m and a lion statue will take center stage in the space in tribute to the country’s emblem. The retailer will operate over a total surface area of over 849 sq m.
Aelia Duty Free Next Generation
The innovative Next Generation concept by LS Travel Retail parent Lagardère Services is based on four strategic pillars: The Art of the Gift, Facilitation, Care, Here and Nowhere Else. The shops will offer international and regional brands to satisfy the airport’s customers. Lagardère Services has pledged to invest more than €2m ($2.1m) in the deployment of its offer which is intent on being modern and of high quality, added the airport.
The launch of the new retail concept integrates new digital features such as in-store tablets for each sales person and iBeacons.
The Art of the Gift: More than 60% of travelers go into a duty-free store with the idea of buying a gift. For Aelia Duty Free next generation gifting is a highly visible statement from the consumer through service signatures, gift wrapping, product merchandising and bespoke product selection. “The Art of The Gift” is the concept signature and a ribbon guides the passengers throughout store.
Facilitation: Duty Free shopping needs to be made easier, particularly through better understanding of custom allowances, price benefits vs high street, and product information, so that the shopping experience in the Duty Free store in Luxembourg becomes seamless and most of all, unforgettable. This will now be made possible thanks to a BeSpoke app for the staff, on the in-store iPads.
Care: showing obvious consideration to Aelia shoppers. Aelia’s ISO certified OSCAR training program, has been pushed further to draw up a new service protocol for Aelia Duty Free next generation, in partnership with Luxury Attitude, a consulting group specializing in building (creating) service signatures. Service Signatures will guide staff in the way to address travelers at every touch point of the experience.
Here and Nowhere else: In order to be memorable, the experience at Aelia Duty Free has to be unique. In the store, there will be a location dedicated to “Luxembourg Sense of Place” with a dedicated atmosphere and offer. Luxembourg has unique confectionary ranges that will be displayed in this area.
Luxembourg airport has registered significant growth in passenger numbers over the last few years, welcoming nearly 2.5m passengers in 2014—an increase of 12.3% compared with 2013. Passenger traffic is estimated to increase by 8% in 2015 to approach a provisional total of 2.7m passengers.
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Source: Duty Free News International

Concurso de un local destinado a "fitness" en el aeropuerto de Madrid.

logo madrid adolfoAENA ha convocado una nueva licitación en lado tierra del aeropuerto de Madrid – Adolfo Suárez.
Las características principales son:
Superficie: 150 metros cuadrados.
Situación: Terminal 4, nivel +2, lado sur. Zona pública. La construcción del local y todas las instalaciones serán por cuenta del concesionario.
Actividad: Fitness.
Duración del contrato: 5 años.
Fecha de presentación de la oferta: 4 de septiembre.

Los pasajeros de cruceros en los puertos españoles crecen +5,94% (acumulado a mayo).

descargaLos pasajeros de cruceros en los puertos españoles acumulan un crecimiento de +5,94% sobre el mismo periodo del año 2.014 siendo muy significativo los incrementos que se dan en los puertos de más tráfico cómo Barcelona y Las Palmas así cómo los ligeros decrecimientos en los puerto de la Autoridad Portuaria de Tenerife y de Baleares.
Cómo se observa en la tabla que se adjunta, empieza la temporada del Mediterráneo.

Autoridad Portuaria Mayo Acumulado del año
2014 2015 2014 2015 Var(%)
La Coruña 26.733 22.474 52.184 46.126 -11,61
Alicante 6.818 7.680 12.943 20.556 58,82
Almería 2.097 1.489 5.125 1.885 -63,22
Bahía de Cádiz 41.747 61.789 121.768 159.854 31,28
Baleares 141.833 178.189 429.384 419.065 -2,4
Barcelona 252.170 296.397 691.216 736.832 6,6
Bilbao 25.621 14.726 29.163 19.583 -32,85
Cartagena 18.896 13.444 34.068 38.757 13,76
Las Palmas 12.650 13.248 562.590 629.774 11,94
Málaga 31.820 35.621 161.430 171.540 6,26
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 21.847 14.409 438.733 436.163 -0,59
Valencia 31.217 29.991 107.621 113.707 5,66
Vigo 20.444 28.873 22.801 42.424 86,06
TOTAL 657.054 726.315 2.708.677 2.869.471 5,94