Airport Sleeping Pods.
A futuristic phenomenon is taking root at airports worldwide: sleeping pods! After decades of travelers sprawled out across chairs and aisles, ingenious and entrepreneurial individuals are finally beginning to invent comfortable ways to nap while in transit – but with a cost. From reclining cocoon chairs to queen sized luxury beds with a TV, airport layovers are taking a step towards becoming a little more bearable for those of us who are willing to pay. While these pods are far from universal, the following airports have made the initial investment into varying models, providing a safe haven for the weary traveler.
Hanoi Airport Sleep Pods
Sleep Pods (Hanoi) Located in Terminal 2, with prices beginning at approximately $7/$9 per hour for single/double occupancy.
After a few hiccups with the initial July opening, Noi Bai International in Vietnam has officially opened 14 4m2 sleep pods. Single and double-person pods are decked out with a bed, a drawer, a clock, some plugs and hangers. During your stay, you are also given access to complimentary snacks, drinks and Wi-Fi! Bookings can be made online in advance with a 50% deposit, and you can rent out the pods for any amount of time between an hour (approx USD 7-9) and 8 hours (USD 35). Kids under 6 do stay for free, while those between 6 – 12 years pay a discounted rate. Considering all that is included in your stay, this seems like a pretty good rate! We hope it lasts this time around…
Go Sleep Pods at Abu Dhabi Airport
Go Sleep (Abu Dhabi) Located in Terminal 3, 2nd floor, Transit Area, $9-14/hour depending on the time of day
Hop into an ultramodern cocoon to grab some shuteye on your layover through Abu Dhabi. Developed in Finland, the GoSleep pods consist of a chair that reclines into a flat-bed seat with a partial or full sliding shade for privacy. Walking through the field of prototype chairs gives off allusions of a sci-fi experiment – but those lucky enough to snag one say it is fantastic! Comfortable, quiet and dark, these pods are in use for roughly 9 hours every day, with full house occupancy between Continuar leyendo «Different options to sleep a few hours before a transfer between flights.»
Berlin looking for private investors for Willy Brandt International airport.
The German Government is pursuing private investors to own a stake in the new international airport being built in Schönefeld.
The opening of the $5.7bn Willy Brandt International airport has been repeatedly delayed due to issues ranging from poor construction planning, management and execution to corruption.
While the airport, to be jointly owned by the city of Berlin, the state of Brandenburg and German Government, was originally slated to open in 2010, the date was deferred to 2012 and then to the current 2017.
«It is also being speculated that the government is interested in selling its 26% stake in the airport.»
Bild am Sonntag quoted unnamed sources as saying that investors such as Macquarie and JP Morgan will be presented with confidential details about the airport’s business plans to help them make concrete offers.
However, Reuters quoted an airport spokesperson as saying that there was no new development regarding the airport’s potential privatisation.
The airport is currently said to be in a pre-notification phase where it has to demonstrate its potential return on investment for any private investor.
A detailed report on the feasibility of privatisation is expected by the end of the year. It is also being speculated that the government is interested in selling its 26% stake in the airport.
Once completed, the airport is expected to replace both Schönefeld and Berlin Tegel Airport to become the single commercial airport that will serve the country’s capital and the neighbouring state of Brandenburg.
The proposed airport has a projected annual passenger capacity of 27 million.
Autorizan la nueva Terminal 4 para el aeropuerto de Cancún.
El aeropuerto de Cancún (AIC), con 17 millones de pasajeros en el año 2.014, se ampliará con una nueva terminal 4 que acogerá nueve millones de pasajeros adicionales para completar una capacidad de servicio a más de 25 millones de pasajeros.
El Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún (AIC) cerrará el año 2.015 con récord de 18 millones de pasajeros movilizados, con un incremento del 33% en espacios comerciales tan sólo en la terminal 3 y al menos 18 nuevas rutas principalmente hacia Centro, Sudamérica y Estados Unidos.
El director comercial del aeropuerto dijo que la terminal 4 tendrá una renovación con marcas de renombre internacional, una nueva zona duty free, así como un nuevo segmento de restaurantes con importantes cadenas.
El aeropuerto de Cancún aporta más del 80% de los ingresos comerciales que generan las 9 terminales que tiene en concesión Asur desde el año 2000. El gasto promedio por pasajero comunicado en el reporte del primer trimestre del año es de 82.59 pesos, con un incremento de 19.1% en ventas comerciales de las 9 terminales operadas por Asur.
En los 15 años que han transcurrido desde que Asur tomó en concesión el aeropuerto Cancún, se ha triplicado el volumen de pasajeros que éste moviliza, pues en el año 2000 el tráfico era de apenas seis millones. La terminal genera 16.000 empleos directos y es quizá el aeropuerto con más influencia regional en México.